Keeping Coyotes from killing sheep in Alberta

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 22, 2015 in photos |
Shepard Wesley Henning with his flock on his farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015.  Henning says he loses 7-10% of his flock each year to coyotes and has taken measures such as deep fences and dogs help protect them.  (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Shepard Wesley Henning with his flock on his farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015. Henning says he loses 7-10% of his flock each year to coyotes and has taken measures such as deep fences and dogs help protect them. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Glenn and Patricia Mattson pose for a photo with their quarter horse Missy on their farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta.  on January 22, 2015. They say coyotes haven't been much of a problem for them in the 40-years they have raised horses and cattle on their farm with the exception of a cat that was attacked once. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Glenn and Patricia Mattson pose for a photo with their quarter horse Missy on their farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015. They say coyotes haven’t been much of a problem for them in the 40-years they have raised horses and cattle on their farm with the exception of a cat that was attacked once. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Keeping Coyotes from killing sheep in Alberta from Ryan Jackson on Vimeo.

Shepherd Wesley Henning tries to find a balance between hunters, fences and dogs to keep coyotes from killing his flock near Mayerthorpe, Alta. On Jan. 22, 2015. Video by Ryan Jackson, Edmonton Journal. Read the story.



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