Posted by ryanjackson on Aug 27, 2008 in photos, video
Brandon Keddy practices plate spinning during Under the Big Top Day Camp held at Festival Place in Sherwood Park. Kids ages 6-17 learn circus performer skills such as physical theatre, aerial skills, tightwire, stiltwalking, puppetry and magic during the week long camp. Photo by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal
Posted by ryanjackson on Aug 24, 2008 in photos, video
Willie, a one-year-old basset hound competes in the second annual world basset races held at Inspired Gardens and Country Store, 45 minutes west of Edmonton, August 24, 2008. 59 basset hounds came to compete. There were contests for fastest basset, longest ears, lowest to the ground, and best howl. Photo by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal
Tractor Gangsta! Twenty-year-old Kyle Lamont poses with his 1942 Farmall Industrial M tractor during the Strathcona Vintage Tractor Association annual vintage tractor pull, August 23, 2008 near Ardrossan just East of Edmonton on R.R. 222. All tractors must be 1960 or older to participate in the pull. Photo by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal
Posted by ryanjackson on Aug 10, 2008 in Uncategorized
Teenagers hang outside of West Edmonton Mall near the movie theatre parking lot on June 19, 2008. Photos by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal
Today started our three part series on West Edmonton Mall Rats. Read the series.
Here is the first video.
Watch an interview with Faith about her life as a 13-year-old “mall rat” and her struggle to overcome addiction. Faith’s real name and identity have been hidden to protect her…
Posted by ryanjackson on Aug 3, 2008 in photos, video
Krysta Turner, 14, encourages “Oliver” the dutch rabbit over a hurdle during an agility display put on by the Canadian Rabbit Hopping Club on Sunday August 3, 2008 at Bonnie Doon Shopping Centre in Edmonton. Turner along with her friend Amanda Greening started the club in their home town of Calgary and are looking for more people to join. Their first competition will be in September in Chestermere, AB, near Calgary. Photo by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal