January 2004 Archive

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 31, 2004 in Uncategorized

***Click on the above link to view the whole January 2004 archive***

January 31st, 2004

You know its a blizzard when #1 you can’t get into
your house and #2 Billy Talent can’t get to their show so they are
playing on Sunday instead which I might have to miss! :(On the
bright side A Whale Exploded!

January 30th, 2004

C’mon! Doesn’t someone want to give this girl a home? Remember back in March of last year my
Good Friend Tera Karol was looking for a roommate? (or rather someone
looking for her to be their roommate…) Well once again Tera is
moving so if you or anyone you know is looking for roommates (Guys
included, she don’t discriminate!)
e-mail me

January 29th, 2004

I have the best bus driver.  We always call him
“the Friday guy” because on Fridays he always announces every street
as we come up to it. He is always cheerful, and as happy that it is
the end of the week as we are.Today over the intercom on the bus he
announced “its a blistering -42C out there so if anyone would like to
be dropped off at the end of their street just let me know.”
Needless to day I took up his offer.

One time when I got on the bus and opened my wallet to get out my
bus pass I realized that I had left my pass on my desk. I told him to
just keep going and I’d catch the next bus but instead he asked “how
far away do you live?” I was only 6 houses away from the bus stop so
he actually waited 2 minutes while I sprinted down the street to my
house to get my bus pass.

Everybody voices their opinion to complain, but never to
compliment. There are a lot of nice people in the world who do things like that
for people and brighten your day for whatever reason.  Always be
sure to let them know the difference they make to you, or better yet,
write a letter to their boss about how good your service, meal,
shopping, transportation experience is. I sure am going to.

In a world full of non stop complaining, a compliment is in order
once in a while.

January 28th, 2004

Well after some screaming, smacking, crying, and cursing
my computer finally will let me update hence:

EVE 6,
Shackelford, and
Enjoy!   And go to Billy Talent!  $10 @ The Pat on Friday.
Two opening bands “i hear”

January 26thm 2004

Remember back in the day when I always had “friends”
pictures? Well, I got “my little camera” back so now I always have a
camera with me again…and what better thing to photograph than last

Western Pub Crawl
!For those of you who don’t care, I
still have pictures of EVE6, Jersey, Shackelford, and Wiseacre coming
soon. (I just need to get some homework done first!)

January 25th, 2004

Pictures are up of
Yellowcard are up!

January 23rd, 2003

Expect (well don’t expect, but rather hope for)
Pictures of Yellowcard, Eve6, and Jersey on Saturday’ish.The show
was really good and I was surprised as how good a venue The Pat was
(though unfortunate that it couldn’t have been licensed/all-ages
like Louis’)


Yeah holly crap I didn’t know either but BILLY
TALENT is playing “At The Pat” on Friday January 30th, 2003. Tickets
are a measly $10 and I guess you have to get them from The Pat (look
it up in the phone book or mysask.ca)If you missed them when they
were here in September go see them now, it will be WELL WORTH the

January 21st, 2004

This semester I finally broke down and started using
a day planner to organize my life.

Since I started writing down everything I have to do now
though….holy crap am I stressed out!    I mean like
before I didn’t think about how much stuff I always have on the go.
I just let it come to me day by day, post-it by post-it, but now I
can look ahead at the madness a day, week, or month away and
shutter!  Makes me almost want to stop writing down what I have
to do and continue living in my dream world of
take-it-as-it-comes-at-me…but then again, now rather than
procrastinating something in my head till the last minute, I can
look at it on paper every day and draw a few more circles and arrows
around it!

Enough complaining though because one of the things on the list
is an Interview with Yellowcard and taking pictures of Eve6,
Yellowcard, and Jersey tomorrow night!  Check back on say

January 19th, 2004

Pictures are up of Misery Signals,
White Walls,
Tombstone Diaries, and
Far from Ruin


January 17th, 2004

Yet another scolding…..That was a fantastic show,
great bands, huge turnout, good venue,

BUT 6+ fights in one night at a show is unacceptable. Nobody needs
that bullshit, bands from other cities wont want to play here, and

In fact, I would hope that no one who was in any of the fights
would even go to this site because FUCK YOU!

January 16th, 2004

Pictures are up of
The New Jacobin Club,
PolkThe Modules,  and from Last Saturday
Liars War

Be sure to go to the show TONIGHT!!! (see below)

January 13th, 2004

A creepy amount of Pictures of
THE PINCH are up!

Don’t forget to go to the shows on Thursday and

January 10th, 2004

Just a teaser as I took over 200 pictures and need to edit and etc so
check back tomorrow!     Best Pinch Show ever!
Thank you James for the kind words!

January 8th, 2004

Pictures are up of The
and Liars War

And now time for a scolding….

Tonight the show was ended early because empty beer
bottles were found in the bathroom. It doesn’t matter who did it, but what
matters is that the show had to be stopped because of one persons
ignorance and stupidity.

I really, really, really hate stupid people who
ruin things for other people. Far too many shows have been shut down for
this same problem. PLEASE, don’t bring alcohol into shows, it is ILLEGAL
and you are just ruining everyone else’s fun because of your selfishness.

You realize the cops only need to come to the Bassment
once and catch underage drinking and IT WILL BE ALL OVER!

If you see someone bringing in booze (or doing anything
stupid) kick their asses out, or find Drabble and he will take care of it.
Don’t be an idiot, there are already too many….

January 7th, 2004

Terror struck me the other day as my mom asked me to
burn a cd for her!  To some of you this may not seem weird, but
my mom doesn’t know how to turn a computer on, let alone copy a cd.She bought the new “Clay Atkins” CD (the guy who got second in
American Idol) and one of the girls at her work wanted a copy.
For some reason I gasped at the idea of my mom breaking a copy write
law and then gave her a long speech about how your not just stealing
from the artists, but from the 20,000 Canadians employed by the music
industry… she felt bad… but then I laughed and told her it was
okay. I copy music all the time (and of course BUY more than my fair
share *point to 350+ cds on my wall*) but still it was weird to hear
my mom ask me to burn a cd for her…. it felt oddly wrong!

January 4th, 2003

Finally some shows!
January 8th
More bad news and PIND from edmonton

& liars war and the nothing @ the bassmentSaturday January 10th

Le Relais (2nd Ave. across from Long and McQuade)


6 BANDS for $5!!!! There is something at this
show for everyone so get your ass to Le Relais.

January 10 8:00 sharp. $5.


January 16th

St Joseph’s Parish Hall on Broadway and 8th

Misery Signals w/ guests

White Walls

Tombstone Diaries

Far From Ruin

Doors at 7pm


Of course I got all of this from
AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD! and last but certainly
not least I was looking around on ticketmaster.ca

January 3rd, 2004

There is a contest going on for all the HP reps in
the country to take pictures of “HP Moments” in the stores. The best
pictures win $500 so I’m hoping this one wins!

Well 3 weeks has flown by and now come Monday its back to school.
Funny enough, during school I couldn’t wait till the break because
“then I’ll have time” and then during the break I worked the whole
time and couldn’t wait until school was back cuz “then I’ll have
time”, as it always goes….

January 1st, 2004

HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!Sask Place was a blast
and it was great to see so many of my friends! Unfortunately I
didn’t have “my little camera” so no ‘friends’ pictures but my
friend did let me borrow his camera to take some pictures of the

Enjoy! And welcome to 2004!


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