September 2005
***Click on the above link to view the whole September 2005 archive***
September 29th, 2005
We are all addicted to Lost! My friend Kevin bought the first
season of Lost and we are all hooked, watching the show like zombies, unable to
look away…. IT IS SUCH A GOOD SHOW!
So I haven’t updated much lately because… I haven’t really had
much to say or shoot due lately due to super business with school. I
figured that the popularity of must have been declining since I
don’t live in Saskatoon anymore and I don’t update that much and yet….. today
I go to my website and I get a message “Bandwidth Exceeded”…. huh? How could
my website have run out of bandwidth (maximum data transfer) if no one is going
to my site anymore?
So I check my stats for the site and…. there are still 1100+
people a day visiting !!! I can’t believe this, but at the same
time am inspired to keep updating and working on this site because…. wow….a
lot of people still care!
Thank You!
September 22nd, 2005
September 20th, 2005
If you haven’t noticed I haven’t updated in a while? Why? I spent last week
working at the Pioneer school newspaper as Editor and have been spending more
time writing than shooting but don’t worry there will be
many-o-pictures to come! Here is my editorial for the paper from last
week. Enjoy!
You must often wonder why the
United States government doesnít watch more television or at least read the
paper. It seems that the news and relief organizations had a better handle on
what was going on, in the response to Hurricane Katrina than the federal
emergency organizations paid by taxpayers. The same taxpayers who are floating
dead in the waters of New Orleans right now.
It is sad that if you do a
Google search for ìKatrina wake up callî or ì9/11 wake up callî or ì2003
blackout wake up callî you will receive several hits for news articles quoting
government officials saying things like ìWe couldnít have seen this coming.î Or
even Michael Chertoff from the department of Homeland Security saying that
Hurricane Katrina ìwas really one which was breathtaking in its surprise.î
No it wasnít. Engineers,
scientists, and even reporters had been saying for years that New Orleansís
levee system would not withstand a category three or higher hurricane.
“Those FEMA officials wouldn’t listen to me,” said Ivor Van
Heerden, a hurricane researcher from Louisiana State University in an NBC
interview. ìThose Corps of Engineers people giggled in the back of the room when
we tried to present information.”
Even during the crisis of
Katrina, federal officials didnít know what was going on. The chilling CNN
interview with the now former Federal Emergency Management Agency director
Michael Brown admitting that FEMA was not aware that there were people housed up
in the New Orleans convention centre without food and water even though the news
corporations had been reporting it for hours. Do these people not have
televisions? Or perhaps people watching television for them, that can say things
like ìHey Michael Brown, you know that if the levees break New Orleans will be
under water right?î
While New Orleans residents
unable to evacuate the city dehydrated, drowned, and died, images of some 200
New Orleans school busses, enough to transport 13,000 people were shown on
television. CNN showed helicopters and millions of dollars in fire fighting
equipment sitting dormant for days after Katrina struck while New Orleans
residents died unnecessarily in the streets and their own homes from a lack of
necessities that should have been delivered before Katrina even hit.
It was not like FEMA did not
have time to prepare for Katrina. In a Canadian Press article, Max Mayfield,
director of the National Hurricane Center said Michael Brown, director of FEMA,
and other top officials were briefed as much as 32 hours in advance that Katrina
would cause catastrophic flooding to New Orleans. We can only hope that the
newly appointed director of FEMA, R. David Paulison, can help
pick up the pieces.
While the United States
finger-points and scrambles to clean up after its own bungles in the response to
Hurricane Katrina we all must shake our heads at a government which proclaims
the need to protect itself by invading other countries while not being able to
effectively manage a disaster on its own soil. A strong difference between a
hurricane hitting a city and a weapon of mass destruction is that a hurricane
gives several days warning. These days could have been used to prepare for the
worst, rather than clean up after it.
The United States didnít cause Katrina, but if they can
spend so much money ìprotectingî themselves from terrorists and proclaiming to
be a super power, they need to be able to protect themselves from their own
incompetence in the federal protection agencies.
As much as the notion of
donating money to the Red Cross and other volunteer organizations to aid in the
rescue and recovery of New Orleans is a no-brainer, the question must be raised
why we as Canadians should give money to help the richest and most powerful
nation on Earth when they should be able to look after their own problems.
The sad answer may be that
relief organizations like the Red Cross, news organizations which keep tabs on
the governmentsí actions or lack thereof, and even celebrities seem to be doing
a better job of serving the people of New Orleans than the United States
government who should have been prepared for Katrina before it even hit.
September 16th, 2005
Pictures are up of
k-os when they
played at The Shark Tank last night. Enjoy!
September 12th, 2005
September 8th, 2005
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Pictures are up of
Alexisonfire and
Protest the Hero when they played at The
Shark Tank on Tuesday night. I got the job as House Photographer for the campus
pub here so now I get paid to shoot bands!
I also posted pictures of the XXX Hypnotist
Tony Lee from last night. Even if you don’t know the people in the pictures
it is hilarious!
September 3rd, 2005
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Ontario people nice, U-Haul bad! On Monday Ashley and I left by Bus to Ottawa so we could As “the plan” had been set out, our friend Cory who was *UNFORTUNATELY* U-Haul double booked our Along with the inconvenience of missing the truck, |
were “on call” with U-Haul, I had a job interview in Belleville the next day
which I missed and since we had to have all of Cory’s stuff out of his apartment
by Aug 31st, we had to store all of our new furniture in a temporary storage
place at $50/day! Everything went wrong!
*BUT* thanks to wonderful Ontario people ie. Cory’s awesome friends, we had a house with a guest room to sleep in for 3 days, we got rides around Ottawa to get to U-Haul and the bus depot to work things out, even though it was $50/day we were able to find storage for our stuff easy, we met lots of nice people and even had a dinner party and played this crazy board game called Settlers of Catan which is like Monopoly meets Roulette. U-Haul screwed us around for two days and couldn’t get us a truck to |
The Hertz people laughed because they get a lot of disgruntled U-Haul customers that come in and after hearing our story they gave us a 20% discount which was awesome!Hertz involved a lot of extra driving and money (Gas is crazy here!) but at least now we are finally moved into “the castle” and we have a cool story to tell and we love Ottawa people now (or at least Cory’s friends and Hertz) because they have been so nice. |
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I won’t have internet hooked up for a few days so unfortunately there won’t
be many updates for a while but be sure to check back later as I start school in
a few days and then there will be many more pictures to come.
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Oh yeah, as for the job interview, I made it today and I GOT THE JOB! I am now the “house photographer” for the campus pub at my school and the first band that plays there on the 6th is Alexisonfire! Pretty cool I get paid to shoot bands now and punk-ontari-O-ryan can still have bands up every week! Also, despite popular belief you can substitute dishwasher detergent |