February 2004 Archives

Posted by ryanjackson on Feb 29, 2004 in Uncategorized

***Click on the above link to view the whole February 2004 archive***

February 29th, 2004

I must really emphasize how much you should save
your pennies and go to these shows.

I used to advertise shows a lot more, but since
you all should already know about
you can check your damn self!

There are a lot of great shows coming up in
March including DFA/The Decline/One Stone Dog at the Bassment on the
12th. DFA has always been “one of those bands” that got me
into the scene and music I listen to today. If you have never seen
them before check them out as they are in my opinion the best hardcore
band to come out of this city.

You should also save up some gas money and trip it down to
Regina on the 11th to see
CLOSET MONSTER @ the Riddell Center. Remember to
e-mail Surreal Productions if
you are an out-of-towner so you can get your ticket ahead of time rather than
driving 3hrs to Regina and finding out the show is sold out (been there done
that) also while your on the website check out who’s playing on April 3rd (you
may be pleasantly surprised)

Also speaking of Mad Caddies I still haven’t got my bunny
hug back after it was stolen at the 306benifit show on the 6th (also my birthday
might I add)…. so I must once again reiterate that if you see anyone wearing a
black, zip-up bunnyhug (a.k.a “hoodie”) with Mad Caddies on the ass missing
the pull chords out of the hood please feel free to kick their ass and return
the bunnyhug to me!

A reward will be given and banquet of appreciation will be
held for the hero who returns my beloved Mad Caddies bunnyhug (punch and pie
will be served)

February 27th, 2004

So remember over a month ago when I
was like “I interviewed Yellowcard for The Sheaf and will put it up on
here right away” …. well to be perfectly honest I completely forgot
about it but now, for all of you who didn’t read “the best Sheaf ever
because punkoryan wrote in it” you can read my
Also, for those of you who
didn’t scroll down, there are 552 new pictures of Mexico down there!

February 24th, 2004

Happy Birthday Tera! (notice the gift I
got her in Cancun!)So now Tera only has one week to move out (see
January Ramblings) and if she doesn’t find a place she will be
sleeping on my couch which isn’t as big a deal as all the boxes that I
know will be piled up in my room!

So once again, if anyone needs or knows someone who needs a
roommate (guys or girls doesn’t matter)
e-mail me!

Also there are over 600 more pictures of Mexico to come so check

I am really really sorry that I didn’t update again when I
was down there but the one day I went downtown to get to a cyber cafe
Tara and I accidentally caught the wrong bus and “kinda got lost” in
downtown and then by the time we found the bus to get back to the
hotel it was too late to update :( I was getting over 700
hits a day while I was gone so I know I let a lot of people down, but
on the bright side there are tons of pictures still to come!

February 22nd, 2004

We decided to spend our last day and night at

The Market
once again and experience the
Night Life
in the evening.Enjoy!

February 21st, 2004

Imagine an area, 2 hours away from anything, where
three rivers meet and the most amazing fish and sea life collide to
make the most spectacular snorkeling experience… well that is Xel-Ha
and is one of the coolest things I have ever done. We have four rolls
of film to develop for later but until then take an above water
journey of
after that we broke from the
typical “spring breakers” theme, dressed up, and went out for a

February 20th, 2004

Having never even seen the ocean before, the waves
were one of my favorite things at
The Beach

After we went to a
at a bar where they just spray foam onto the dance floor and
well….pardon my political incorrectness but was totally gay!

February 19th, 2004

Yesterday I went Scuba Diving and the pictures from
that are on film so we’ll all have to wait for those, but I did have a
splenda walk along

After that we went to

Senior Frogs
, but Tara and I were bored so we Walked Home
drunk and I took some pictures a long the way (surprise surprise)

February 18th, 2004

What better thing to do on a Tuesday than go to
and then

February 17th, 2004

Last Night was a 300 Person, 5 bar crawl. Needless to
say…. Amazing!Enjoy
Pictures of
Day 2
and once again my
on the matter….

February 16th, 2004

I’m in Cancun!!! To view see pictures of my adventures so far go HERE to read what I have to say about it all (if you care) go HERE

Come back in a couple days for more adventures. For as my friend Lindsay said
“Now everyone can go to Cancun through your website!”

February 14th, 2004

What happens when you have NINE people with birthdays
within a week of each other? A huge drunken mess of people
at The Hose
!What I enjoy most about these pictures is that I didn’t take many
of them! It was the first time I have ever looked at pictures on my
website taken by someone else, and I am in them! Someone else was
“documenting” an event (Tera had my camera) and I just get to enjoy
the pictures.

Thank You to everyone who bought me drinks (too many
drinks!) and wished me Happy Birthday and Happy Birthday Gordon, Tera,
Jen, Brent, Brenda, Jeremy, Mike, and “that commerce chick” :)

February 8th, 2004

That would have to be the fastest I have gotten (I know
that’s not a word) pictures up in a long time!


Poser Disposer

Junior Pantherz
Away from Here The

Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday
yesterday! It sure was….except!…..Now I’m not going to jump to any
conclusions….but….. SOME ASSHOLE STOLE MY BUNNY HUG (a.k.a. “hooded
sweatshirt”)!!! If you see anyone wearing a bunny hug with MAD CADDIES on
the butt kick their ass (irregardless of whether they are a small child or
crippled elderly person) and e-mail

February 6th, 2004 —– >>>>IT’S MY

What Better way to Celebrate than Pictures of
Inward Eye and
The Rumours, followed by going to the
show tonight at
The Bassment, and then The Hose after for some more “celebrating”.

I am now a 21 year old…. time to start bitching more!

February 5th, 2004

I’m going to be spending my Thursday night doing
homework so I can go crazygonuts tomorrow night but as for the rest of you
this is how tonight should go for you:Show up at The Bassment at

7pm to 7:30pm – North of Shorty

7:45pm to 8:25pm – Cessate

8:40pm to 9:20pm – Sparky

9:35 to 10:15pm – Samuel The Black Shaman

Then at 10:30 catch PHD (the first band I ever photographed BTW) at Ryley’s!

A fun filled evening with a ton of awesome local bands, what more
could you want? (other than to GO TO THE SHOW ON FRIDAY BECAUSE IT’S
BY BIRTHDAY!!!) the end.

February 3rd, 2004

Here are the pics of
!!! Due to God deciding that everything
electronic in my life should either fail or not work properly don’t
expect any pictures for the next few days because these took 3
hours to edit and put up and I’m very grumpy!On the bright
side though… It’s my Birthday on Friday and everybody go to the show
below! www.threeohsix.org

February 2nd, 2004

I really must say wow! That was a good show.
Check back later for all the pictures of Billy Talent, The Rumours,
and Inward Eye !

Oh yeah… and I cordially invite everyone to go to the show at The
Bassment on Friday, not only because of the great bands that are
playing but because IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!


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