Illegal urban beekeping in Edmonton

Posted by ryanjackson on Jul 12, 2010 in photos |


Kristjan Bullock poses for a photo in his back yard with his bee hive in Edmonton on June 17, 2010. Owning a bee hive is technically illegal in urban Edmonton. Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal.  Read the story.





When I got this assignment I was a little squeamish as I had my cornea scratched by a bee a few weeks earlier.  I wore two pairs of pants and three layers of jackets with hoods and safety goggles and winter mitts to take these photos.  Don’t ever scratch you eye. It sucks! You are pretty much blind for a week in that one eye as you can’t move it without pain so you keep it closed.

Back to the photos. All of the macro shots were taken with a Canon 85mm f1.8 and a set of Kenko extension tubes 12+20+36mm.  For light I used an Alien Bees ABR800 Ringflash.



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