Before and After Panoramic Street View Tour of Slave Lake Wildfire Devastation
One year after doing a 360-degree interactive tour of the devastation at Slave Lake I returned to do a before/after panoramic tour.

Go to to see a panoramic before and after view of Slave Lake.

A panoramic view of the homes on 13th St. SE near 6 Ave. SE in Slave Lake, Alta. on May 23, 2011 (top) and May 2, 2012 (bottom). Nearly one-year after after a wildfire devastated the neighbourhood. Images were created by stitching multiple pictures taken taken at GPS location N55°16.582' W114°45.476' (Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal) To see these images in a 360-degree interactive split screen view, go to where you'll find more before-and-after photos and panoramas.

Me and Journal reporter Mariam Ibrahim about to photograph some firemen starting a controlled burn.

Sheldon Houle, Heltack Leader with Alberta Sustainable Resources Development poses for a photo with a drip torch used to start controlled burns in Slave Lake, Alta. on May 2, 2012.

A HUGE timesaver was using the EveryTrail app on my iPhone to map out a GPS trail the first time I shot the 360 tour. Then, one year later I could just retrace my path. I also used the GPSPhotoLinker program for Mac OSX to sync all my photos with GPS so I knew where each photo was taken. Some day I

I had five GoPro Hero 1080p cameras mounted on the roof of the van, They were all shooting at the same time (or close as possible) every 5-seconds.

Here's me with my 360 camera