August 2003 Archive

Posted by ryanjackson on Aug 31, 2003 in Uncategorized

***Click on the above link to view the whole August 2003 archive***

August 31st, 2003

Jumble #2 of
Saturday night 306FEST

August 30th, 2003

Yet another mad Jumble (I really gotta catch up and start organizing these!)
of Friday night

August 28th, 2003

Tomarow is:

Who’s playing?

I’ll be there taking a ridiculus amount of pictures and you better be there too!!!

If you wonder why I haven’t been updating much its because it is my last few days of summer and I’ve been enjoying them! And you should be too!!

Soooo…. go for a bike ride, go to Cranberry Flats, go for a walk by the river, go get a slurpy, go watch the pelicans at the wier, go for a walk downtown, lay in your backyard and get a tan, get a ladder and go on the roof of your house and try to see your friend’s houses, go to the Zoo (no not the bar), go to a bar with a padio, set the dinner table outside and eat supper on the deck, walk in grass in bare feet, find your old Super Soaker and get your friends wet, get yourself wet, drive 10 mins out of town and look at the stars at night, go see a movie at the Sundown drive-in, go out for desert on the Earls Padio, go to pike lake for a day (night?), take some pictures, drive around with the windows down, go to Kinsmen Park, make a rainbow with a gardenhose, wash your car yourself with a bucket and a rag, always wear sunscreen :)

Remember just because your time is running out doesn’t mean you don’t have time at all….

August 24th, 2003

Last night it was raining so I decided to watch a DVD. All of the players were signed out and the big screen DVD was being used as well.

I was going to just watch TV but then I remembered that it was Bingo night and the grand prize is a DVD player. I only had enough money to buy one card so I was like “I’m going to go win a DVD player so I can watch a movie”….and I did!

It was funny because all the other people had 8 cards lined up and were going hardcore and I just came in with 1 card, and when I had one square left to fill I was like “come on 0-66” and then it was drawn!

This just goes to prove that if you think long and hard enough about balls they will find their way into the small hole…hehe

August 22nd, 2003

I’m up North again for my LAST WEEK so I won’t be updating for a couple days
= get off the computer and get outside while summer is still here!

August 21st, 2003

Bouncing Souls in Regina was awesome!

If you want to see the mad jumble of pictures of Bouncing Souls, Hot Water
Music, The Forgotten and Worthless United click
I’ll edit, organize, and thumbnail tomorrow!


oh yeah and NOLTO updated (ooooh…awwww)

August 20th, 2003

I’m finally done. Today is my 4 year anniversary of “working for the clown”
and last night was my last shift ever :(   I will miss working there.
As much fun as people may make of working at McDonalds it was a really fun job
where I made literally over a hundred friends and always had fun when I worked.
I’ll end it with a poem I wrote for Grade 11 English:

Dream Job

Nuggets are up,

drop some fries.

We’re waiting on quarter meat,

Would you like that Supersized?

The smell of ketchup,

All of the free smiles.

The slosh of the mop,

On the reddish brown tiles.

The constant orders,

Drive through time.

There’s a spill in the lobby,

Every customer complains and whines.

Working ’til Midnight,

Soon I get my break.

Can never sit down,

Gotta fill the chocolate shake

Why do I work at McDonalds,

You might find it funny,

Thank you have a nice day,

I do it for the money!
August 18th, 2003

Last night I got “hired” to take pics of The Night Life. They are a new band
who is opening for alexisonfire in September (TBA) (pretty good for a first show eh?)
and oh yeah! Kevin Walby is their singer!  Anyways these are the
Promo Pics I took of of them playing
last night so enjoy.

And *FINALLY* Tarrah updated!

August 17th, 2003

All of the “real” pictures of DFA ,
The Decline, and
Under Pressure are up!
Enjoy!   More Pics of gnombs and exiting things to come!

August 16th, 2003

Here is a mad JUMBLE of all of the pics
from the show ( + 3 videos of DFA)

I’ll edit, organize, and thumbnail tomorrow


August 15th, 2003

I’m back!!!!

DFA/Under Pressure/the Decline
Description :

DFA Cd/Lp release show!


Under Pressure

The Decline


The Bassment

$5 Door @ 7 Show @ 8

I feel like puking at the thought of my battle bot. In the last 5 days all I
have done is work 12 hours+4hours on battle bot then sleep and do it again. I
want to throw the fucking thing in the garbage because I despise it so much now
for consuming my life…

On the bright side its finished and super cool!

Anyways I’m going to the show (above) and pictures shall follow shortly (tomarow)

oh yeah and
doesn’t work right now so go to
instead. (No its not a joke)

August 13th, 2003

I know, I know. Wow. 5 days without updating. I thought I was dead too!

If you wanna know why I haven’t been updating it is because I have been working 7am – 7pm then spending 3 hours each night after work building my


Yes, the secret is out. punk -o- ryan is a nerd, but the Kilobot competition is on August 24th and I gotta get this thing done!

Don’t worry. There are lots of shows on threeohsix that are coming and there will be lots more punk shows and gnomb pictures… but for now I gotta get this thing done!

August 8th, 2003

Well I’m up North again for another week. But I brought some friends along with me!

August 7th, 2003

If You haven’t seen Autopilot and you like grunge go see them tonight!!! You
won’t be disappointed!

I wasn’t even going to go out last night but then my friend Jess called me
and now here are pictures of Assertion,
subtracttozero, and
Living Under Lies at the
Wash ‘n Slosh.


I’m back up North for another week :(


August 6th, 2003

He shouldn’t be able to do that…

So thanks to the stupidity of others a window to our precious Bassment was
smashed and the “6 bands for 6 bucks” super awesome show ended after two bands

If you want you can still see pictures of
So Many Dynamos and

ALSO. Congrats to The Decline for being band #100 on my website!

August 5th, 2003

I don’t know who had more fun. Us, or the Gnombs…

Pictures of Candle Lake,
Edmonton Trip, and “Gnombing
are up!   Candle Lake + Edmonton in 1 weekend = most productive
weekend ever!

GO TO THE SHOW AT THE BASSMENT  TONIGHT!!!  (though I think I might
be going to see Default at the Ex for free…)

August 5th, 2003

No, I didn’t die. I went to Candle Lake AND Edmonton this long weekend.
Needless to say a plethora of pictures shall be here tomorrow but sleep calls.

ALSO!!!!  Show at the Bassment Tuesday night!

assertion[ex karen foster from van]the paper kytes, the decline, so many
dynamos. at the Bassment. doors at 8 show at 9. $6.


p.s. BUNNIN updated.


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