March 2005 Archive
***Click on the above link to view the whole March 2005 archive***
March 29th, 2005
Pictures are up from last night of….. Enjoy!
March 25th, 2005
March 23rd, 2005
Pictures are up from The Taste of Chaos Tour of….
March 21st, 2005
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Pictures are up of Anatomy of
Melancholy, The Bleeding Alarm, and
Ten Second Epic. Enjoy!
Rod Stewart is tonight! I couldn’t get a photo pass though
Only two more sleeps till Taste of Chaos !!!
March 19th, 2005
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Pictures are up of Autumn Tides
and Stereotrap. Enjoy!
March 18th, 2005
Want to get incredibly pissed off at the United |
March 17th, 2005
Happy Birthday Kweku!
Don’t forget the show tomorrow night: March 18th – Stereotrap, Means,
Whittaker, Audumn Tides @ Living Hope Church, 102 Goerzen St. Saskatoon. 6:45pm
March 14th, 2005
So I haven’t drank coffee in three
weeks. Well that is a lie I have had two cups but that was when no tea source
was available. I have been drinking tea in place of coffee in the morning and it
is sooo much better for you than coffee. The other day however I had to
drink coffee and wooooooeeeeee! I was so buzzed! I had forgotten the wonders of
coffee. Everything was so….so…..AWAKE! I cursed my tea [stop to take a sip
of tea] and was reunited with my caffeine addiction (or rather addiction to
large amounts of strong caffeine entering my body quickly). Tea is great, but
coffee still wins [stop to take another sip of tea]. Do you have a problem? Go
HERE for more info.
March 12th, 2005
WOW! Punkoryan has the pictures of
The Paper *Kites,
Fury and the Mouse,
Maybe Smith and
Jacketbox up the SAME NIGHT as the show! Just like the good ol’ days!
March 11th, 2005
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Coolest car commercial ever! No I’m not getting paid for this, and no the car isn’t even available in Canada. But the commercial was made in Canada and it is hilarious. Click HERE to watch. |
March 9th, 2005
There are a TON of shows coming up so check out the shows section!
I accidentally slept in an entire hour the other day. I usually take an hour
to get ready in the morning but that day I was showered, brushed, and lunched in
10 minutes! When that happens you have to wonder what it would be like if you
treated everything you did as if you only had 10 minutes to do it. Think of all
the extra time you would have to get other things done…
There have been many studies released
lately by scientists who predict that in the future, with medical science going
the way it is now, that we will live to be over 150 years old. When I first
heard this I thought “no way, humans aren’t supposed to live that long” and then
I remembered that it wasn’t too long ago in our species that we only had a life
expectancy of 40 years. Now 90 and 100 years isn’t too uncommon. Also living to
150 wouldn’t mean you spend more years in a nursing home but rather you
wouldn’t start to really age until you hit 110 or 130 and then you would
be “old”.
Even though I won’t be living to
150 I wonder what it would be like to know that you are probably going to live
that long. Would you spend more time enjoying life because you know you have the
time? Or would you just end up procrastinating life. “I’ll go back to school
when I’m 70”, or “I want to wait until I’m 55 to have kids so I know I will be
more financially stable”.
I am always saddened to hear about the
people who procrastinated their lives, or “saved up” their time (or money) and
then never got to spend it due to an accident or illness. I have always grown
up knowing that I have about 80 years to get things done (maybe 100 if I take
after my Dad’s side) and so based on that I am 22/80’ths or 27.5% done my
life….and I have barely even started!
Knowing that I am “running out of time”
makes me want to kick start my life even more. It makes me want to work hard at
life, school, profession, (website?) so that I can live my (approximately) 80
year life to the fullest.
If I was only 22/150’ths or 14.7% into
my life then I don’t know if the drive to “get there” would be as great simply
because “I can get around to doing that later”.
It is always cool to hear the stories of
people who turned their lives around. You always see people who’s lives you
think will go nowhere and you know that they probably won’t do anything about
it, and then there are the people who one day make a decision and 1, 5, 10 years
later they tell the stories of how they had hit rock bottom or how they were in
a dead end job, or something and then went back to school, or took a risk and
pursued their dream and never looked back, etc.
I know the majority of people here
reading this right now are under 30 years old (and many more under 20) and to
all of you I remind you that you have that opportunity now. We aren’t
going to live to be 150, but maybe our grand children will. We have to inspire
them to live life to the fullest by doing so ourselves. We have to value,
cherish, take advantage of, and live life to the fullest because even though we
can always “get around to doing it later”, its easier to do it now, and now has
the greater payoff later.
I used to think the meaning of life was
to achieve 100% happiness in life. I have learned that it is actually the
friends, family, experience and knowledge that we gain in the pursuit of it
throughout our lives that makes life worth living. Make the best of it.
March 4th, 2005
Pictures are up (I’ll be honest I forgot!) of
Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z,
Adelade, Adolyne
and Orion. Enjoy!
March 3rd, 2005
As many of you know I have made the biggest (and I would say best) decision
of my life to leave my pursuit of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
and follow my much greater calling of Photojournalism.
I *finally* got “the letter” on Monday and now I will be moving to Belleville
Ontario in May to take a course in Photojournalism. I will leave in May, come
back after 7 weeks, then leave again in September for 7 more months. I have been
accepted into Loyalist College which is one of the highest regarded
photojournalism schools in Canada, and I will be doing a “fast track” program
where you do the whole two year course in 11 months.
Photography has changed, shaped, and guided me in these last three years.
When I bought my first digital camera and started taking pictures, then shooting
bands “just for fun”, then running I never imagined (though it was
in the back of my mind) that this is what I would end up doing as a profession.
I have always had Engineering in my sights since I was in high school and
leaving EE is still crazy to me, however I know that I have the drive, spirit,
talent, persistence and optimism to pursue my dreams. We all do. For the last
three years I had always told myself that Engineering would be my profession and
photography would be my hobby. It became the opposite of that.
For the last three years I knew that if I left Engineering I would always
wonder “what if”…. but now it is more that if I had stayed in Engineering I
would have always wondered “what if”.
I (of course) am still going to run and while I am in Ontario
you will be seeing lots of pictures of huge bands. I don’t want the pictures
from Saskatoon and Regina’s scenes to stop though. I am going to create a new
section on this site where people can upload their own pictures of shows. I need
an army of punk-o-people to send me their pictures and I will put them up. We
have to keep our Saskatoon scene growing. Regina is kicking our ass!
I thank you all for your support and friendship. If it wasn’t for all of you
going to my site every day and supporting me I never would have done this. You
all have my love.
-Ryan Jackson
March 2nd, 2005
Pictures are up of Ghosts of Modern Man
and Means from Friday night. Pictures of “the first
band” will be up as soon as I find out their name
March 1st, 2005
Joel from The Portmans/Chunks is the new coolest person I know! He submitted a painting of his to a contest and now it is on the |