Looking for a fight: Boxer Jelena Mrdjenovich

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 28, 2015 in video

One of my favorite videos of 2015! Thanks to Topher Sequin for helping light this video.
Shot mostly with a Panasonic GH4 and a Canon 24mm f1.4L lens. The lighting at the gym was very dark and muddy so I had Topher shine a 300w halogen spot light at her and I exposed for highlights.
I then graded the footage in Final Cut Pro X and added some film grain to get the gritty look that I wanted.

Looking for a fight: Boxer Jelena Mrdjenovich from Ryan Jackson on Vimeo.

Edmonton boxer Jelena Mrdjenovich is so good she can’t find anyone to fight. Jan 28, 2015. Video by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal


Keeping Coyotes from killing sheep in Alberta

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 22, 2015 in photos
Shepard Wesley Henning with his flock on his farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015.  Henning says he loses 7-10% of his flock each year to coyotes and has taken measures such as deep fences and dogs help protect them.  (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Shepard Wesley Henning with his flock on his farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015. Henning says he loses 7-10% of his flock each year to coyotes and has taken measures such as deep fences and dogs help protect them. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Glenn and Patricia Mattson pose for a photo with their quarter horse Missy on their farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta.  on January 22, 2015. They say coyotes haven't been much of a problem for them in the 40-years they have raised horses and cattle on their farm with the exception of a cat that was attacked once. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Glenn and Patricia Mattson pose for a photo with their quarter horse Missy on their farm near Mayerthorpe, Alta. on January 22, 2015. They say coyotes haven’t been much of a problem for them in the 40-years they have raised horses and cattle on their farm with the exception of a cat that was attacked once. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Keeping Coyotes from killing sheep in Alberta from Ryan Jackson on Vimeo.

Shepherd Wesley Henning tries to find a balance between hunters, fences and dogs to keep coyotes from killing his flock near Mayerthorpe, Alta. On Jan. 22, 2015. Video by Ryan Jackson, Edmonton Journal. Read the story.


Ghost LRT station in Edmonton

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 21, 2015 in video

Ghost LRT station in Edmonton: Future Station from Ryan Jackson on Vimeo.

Take a tour of a hidden LRT station that was built in the 1970s but never used, and is the inspiration for Future Station, the 2015 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art in Edmonton. Video by Ryan Jackson, edmontonjournal.com

Shot with a Panasonic GH4 with a 12-35mm lens, a 7.5mm fisheye and a shoulder mount. Small LitePanels LED and Canon tungsten video lighs were used for illumination.


Taxi drivers opposed to Uber in Edmonton

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 20, 2015 in photos
Council chambers at City Hall were packed with Edmonton taxi drivers opposed to the ride-sharing service Uber coming into Edmonton to compete with existing taxi services in Edmonton on January 20, 2015. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)

Council chambers at City Hall were packed with Edmonton taxi drivers opposed to the ride-sharing service Uber coming into Edmonton to compete with existing taxi services in Edmonton on January 20, 2015. (Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal)


Roxy Theatre Fire

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 14, 2015 in photos, video
Bradley Moss, Artistic Director of Theatre Network rummages through the rubble of The Roxy Theatre which burned down on Tuesday in Edmonton on January 14, 2015. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)

Bradley Moss, Artistic Director of Theatre Network rummages through the rubble of The Roxy Theatre which burned down on Tuesday in Edmonton on January 14, 2015. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)


Roxy Theatre fire aftermath from Ryan Jackson on Vimeo.

Bradley Moss, Artistic Director of Theatre Network rummages through the rubble of The Roxy Theatre which burned down on Tuesday in Edmonton on January 14, 2015. Video by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal


New Years Fireworks and Babies

Posted by ryanjackson on Jan 1, 2015 in photos

I worked New Years eve and day this year so that means fireworks and babies!

New Years Eve Fireworks in Churchill Square in Edmonton on January 1, 2015. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)

New Years Eve Fireworks in Churchill Square in Edmonton on January 1, 2015. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)

Jared Adams and Kayla McEvoy are the proud parents of a baby girl, Echo Adams, born New Years day at 12:02 a.m. at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton on January 1, 2015. They pose for a photo with their new daughter and their son Daniel Chartrand, 10.  (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)

Jared Adams and Kayla McEvoy are the proud parents of a baby girl, Echo Adams, born New Years day at 12:02 a.m. at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton on January 1, 2015. They pose for a photo with their new daughter and their son Daniel Chartrand, 10. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal)


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