October 2004 Archive

Posted by ryanjackson on Oct 31, 2004 in Uncategorized

***Click on the above link to view the whole October 2004 archive***

October 31st, 2004

Pictures are up of Crissi’s Halloween Pub Crawl from last night.  Happy Halloween!

October 30th, 2004

Pictures are up of Samuel the
Black Shaman
from last night.  Poser Disposer, More or Less,
and The Modules are soon to follow.

October 29th, 2004

Remember Georgestock and all the fun
that was had? Well Tera had my camera that day and here
(once again) are all of the
Pictures of that
glorious day.

Tonight (Friday) — Poser Disposer,
Samuel the Black Shaman, Adelade, More or Less and maybe
The Modules are all playing a Halloween show at The
Bassment $5 w/ costume, $6 w/o. Show at 8pm.

If that’s not your cup of tea then
April Wine with The Slackers (members from Perfect
Tommy) are playing at The Pat on Friday night too, $10,

As I’m sure you’ve all noticed I haven’t been
updating as much as I used to. I could give you a million excuses
but none of them change the fact that lots of people ask me “what’s
up? why don’t you update anymore?” — well as you all remember back
in August I lost a month worth of updates and over 1000 pictures and
had to re-update them all. I actually have been updating
lots, its just you don’t see it because its all the background work
and maintenance that this site has been in desperate need of.

Basically when a website gets this huge and you
don’t continually maintain it you simply create a lot of work
for yourself later (which is something I do with a lot of things in
my life :) — I am almost caught up with this site and now I
want to expand it…a lot.

I am going to start updating regularly (every 2
days) and make this site “fun” to go to as it was in the summer
before the terribleness happened.  Help I need from YOU though
is suggestions for my site. What do you think I could do to make it
better? What would you like to see? I am thinking of making a
section for people to upload their own pictures of shows, as well
change a few things around to make this site look a little snazzier.
If you have any suggestions
e-mail me
and let me know.

This site has grown SOOO much in the last 2 years
and I want it to continue so I need the people who come here to help
me decide how to grow.  Thank you and keep coming back!

Finally I must say to you all to check out

to see some awesome shows coming up.

October 27th, 2004

Pictures are up *again!* (from forever ago) of
Tom Cochrane,
Pilate, Kyprios,
Despistado, and
Sweatshop Union when they played
at The Ex Grandstand back in August. Enjoy!

October 24th, 2004

Pictures are up of
Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z when
they played at Amigos on Saturday.  MANY more pictures and an
explanation of why I haven’t been updating much lately coming soon! 😉

October 22nd, 2004

Saturday Night! –>  Chimpan-A to Chimpan-Z is playing at Amigos
with Asterid at Amigos. Go check out some tambourine core!


October 19th, 2004

Antibalas when they
played at the Odeon on Saturday. Enjoy!

October 18th, 2004 – It is a great day!

*Finally!!!*  Pictures are up of
Billy Talent when they played at The
Odeon last Wednesday!

As well don’t forget:

Happy Birthday

Darren Freaking Miller

October 15th, 2004

If you
like music like Bob Marley, or Reggae style music then check
this show out!
and you can listen to their cd.

Antibalas Afrobeat

Odeon Event Centre

241 2nd Avenue S

Saskatoon, SK S7K 1K8



Price: $17.00

All Ages!

With DJ Likwid

October 14th, 2004 – Today is the first day of the rest of my

Pictures are up of
Death from Above 1979 and
Metric at the Odeon last night.

Why isn’t Billy Talent up yet? Well, why else would
you have a reason to come back later?! :)

October 13th, 2004

Pictures are up of
Blue Skies at War.

See you tonight at The Odeon for Billy Talent!

October 12th, 2004

Pictures are up of Adistin
from Sunday night. Blue Skies at war will be up much later tonight.

October 11th, 2004

Pictures are up The
from last night!

More pictures tomorrow night and don’t forget Billy
Talent/Metric/DFA:1979 on Wednesday at The Odeon!

October 10th, 2004

Hope to see you all tonight at The Bassment for The

Pictures are up (again) of
Day at The Zoo with Kweku

As well pictures are up (once again) of the Tarrah
Higginbotham memorial show with

Tombstone Diaries,
The Paper *Kites,
PHD, Soccer
, and Sparky.  Enjoy!

Finally pictures are up (again) of
Wide Mouth Mason when they played
@ The Pat!

More pictures (that you’ve already seen) up soon!

October 9th, 2004

Pictures are up of Tig
ol’ Bitties
from last night at Amigos.  Enjoy!

October 8th, 2004

Everybody remember Georgestock? Well if you don’t then luckily I
“finally” re-updated so enjoy the pictures all over again of

The Pinch,
, Surface,
Liberated Noise,
Tig ol’ Bitties,
, Tombstone Diaries,
Samuel The Black Shaman, and
The Decline.   I will
re-update all of the “people pictures” of Georgestock soon.

October 7th, 2004

Pictures are up of Closet Monster,
Hopesfall, and
Moneen from “forever ago” last Wednesday.
Sorry for taking so long with pictures but I’ve been focusing on school
more lately and hopefully it all pays off (*give myself a pat on the
back*)  Enjoy!!!

October 6th, 2004

I far from need to “plug” this show but if you haven’t
seen or heard The Reason get your ass to The Bassment on the
10th! Also playing is Blue Skies at War in which the same
Billy Talent, Death from Above: 1979, and Metric
will be playing at The Odeon on Oct 13th which will
definitely sell out so get your ass down to the Odeon
and get yourself a ticket!  Tickets also on Ticketmaster
Doors@8pm, $15 advanced, $20 Door

And here’s what 2 seconds of taking pictures of the walls at Amigos
and 20 minutes of editing can do.  Your welcome Amigos!

Finally while I’m at it I would just like to take this
time to give a shout out to Kim who is going to school in
Alberta and yet still uses my site as a portal back to
Saskatoon.  Hope your having fun!

Pictures? What pictures?  OH YOU MEAN THOSE 1000+ pictures
that go erased last month and I still have to re-update them….
yeah…. all I can say is “eventually”.

October 4th, 2004

A ridiculous amount of Pictures are up of
from last Wednesday. As well
Fjords from
Saturday night at Amigos. Pictures of Moneen, Hopesfall, and Closet
Monster will come later in the week.  Enjoy!

October 3rd

So I’m taking pictures of
Huskies Soccer on Friday and I get an awesome
shot of the goalie catching the ball. I go to
review it on my camera and… the picture is
2/3’rds black?  I see that the last twenty
pictures I’ve taken are 2/3’rds black!  At
first I wonder how I can have my thumb over a
72mm lens and then I figure out that the mirror
in my dSLR isn’t moving all the way… I BROKE
MY CAMERA!!!   In a small way I can be
mad at this since now I will have to send it
away for a month to get warrantee’d but on the
other hand I can wear the badge that I wore out
a Canon Digital SLR with 21,938 pictures in 10
months.  Not too shabby!   :)

On the downside now though my
pictures for the next while aren’t going to look
as good as they did before because now I’m going
to have to use my film SLR camera which is in no
way as good for shooting bands as my digital was
but oh well….at least I can brag that I wore
out a camera taking 22 thousand pictures!

Note this show has been moved to the Odeon for anyone
who isn’t in the know.


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