Traci Tosczak – Edmonton Model Headshot Photography

Posted by ryanjackson on Nov 13, 2009 in lighting, photos

I spent an afternoon last week with the lovely Traci Tosczak to help her build her modeling portfolio.

Traci Tosczak 02

Traci Tosczak 03

Traci Tosczak 05

Traci Tosczak 06

Traci Tosczak 08

Traci Tosczak 09

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Edmonton Film Commissioner

Posted by ryanjackson on Jul 2, 2009 in photos

Edmonton Film Commissioner, Patti Tucker with the Edmonton economic development corporation is leaving her post at the end of September. Here she poses for a photo in her office in Edmonton on July 2, 2009. (Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal).

img_7567 To make this photo I put an orange gel on my 550EX flash and set my camera white balance to tungsten. This makes the background go blue because the second flash isn’t gelled and it gives a bluer light.
Exposure was 1/200 sec, f6.3, ISO50. Canon 5D, 24-105IS lens.
I used a Lastolite EzBox softbox with an orange gelled 550EX flash set to 1/4 power
Second light was a 580EZ at 1/4 power zoomed to 105mm with a snoot on it to make a spot light

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Jeffs – Edmonton Headshot

Posted by ryanjackson on Mar 4, 2009 in photos


I’ve discovered how to achieve that super-duper narrow depth of field like you get with medium format (the Martin Schoeller look) without having to buy an 85mm f1.2 or use a Mamiya 6×9 camera …. the secret … use a macro extension tube!
The 85mm f1.8 only focuses close enough to do a head and shoulders… put a short 12mm extension tube on the lens and I am able to almost completely fill the frame on a full-frame Canon 5D camera.
Since DOF is controlled by three things: F-stop, focal length, and distance to subject…. the extension tube allows me to get even closer to the subject = super narrow depth of field. Your focus has to be EXACT though or else you ruin the photo.





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