Art Gallery of Alberta Project – 2 of 3 – The Interactive Tour
This is the second of three blog posts on the Art Gallery of Alberta supplement that I worked on.
Click on the image above to go to the Interactive Tour page. The amazingly talented Donald Allen at The Journal did all the Flash code for this and I did all of the 360-panoramas. I shot almost all of the panoramas with a Canon 1D Mark-III camera and a Peleng 8mm fisheye lens. I’m going to need to go back and re-shoot many of the panoramas as construction was still underway when I made these.
Here are some of my favorite still images I shot over the last month. The night ones were shot from the roof of a nearby office building with a Canon 5D, 24-105L, and a tripod.
AGA employees and their friends and family walk through the new Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton on January 9, 2010. (Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal).
A view inside the new Art Gallery of Alberta in Edmonton on January 26, 2010. (Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal).
The National Post also ran my photos front page and did a nice spread on the inside.