360 Chicago

Posted by ryanjackson on May 12, 2008 in 360 Panoramas

I have been fascinated lately with 360-degree panoramas combined with sound. The first one I did was for the memorial of Jennifer Noble who died in a tragic school bus crash.
I was in Chicago last week for a video training workshop and on my last day I got to have a little “tourist time”.

Click on the images below to view the panoramas. Click and HOLD your mouse to move around.

You will need to have Flash installed. Also be sure to turn on your speakers as they have sound.

View from The Sears Tower. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

View of the Trump tower under construction in Chicago, May 10, 2008. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

Bloomingdales and John Hancock Center. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

Service member memorial. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

Street performers on Michigan Ave. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

Overhead train. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

Old church. Panorama by Ryan Jackson/Edmonton Journal

All of these Panoramas were shot hand held with a Peleng 8mm fisheye lens and a Canon 1D Mark-II camera. Audio was recorded on an Olympus DS-40.

I used PTgui to stitch the images together and Flash Panorama to create the panorama for web.

Four separate images were taken and blended together to make each panorama. The view from the Sears tower was actually made from 21 images taken with a 24mm lens. Since they were shot hand held, and there is about a second time difference between each image you may see some misaligned seams or streaks.


Ryan Jackson, Staff Photographer/Videographer

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