Interactive Video Series of Alberta PC Leader Candidates

Posted by ryanjackson on Sep 18, 2011 in photos, video |

For the election of the new Progressive Conservative leadership candidates I wanted to do an interactive video like I did with the federal election candidates. The general idea is that I ask all the candidates the same questions, in the same style and then Lucas Timmons at the Edmonton Journal build a website that lets you jump right to the questions and issues that concern you.

Instead of watching 30 minutes of video in hopes of getting the information you want, you can jump right to the questions and issues that matter to you and compare.

Click on the above image to see the interactive website.

I lit all of the candidates the same with our three 500 LED video lights and white background. I asked them each to look into the corners so I could have them looking at the candidates that is currently talking in the video.

Here is my setup. Just a big white sheet for a background. I pointed two 500 LED video lights at the background and then had a third 500 LED light above them on a boom. I used a Canon 5D Mark-II with a 50mm f1.2 lens for video and a Sennheiser G2 wireless mic and a BeachTek DXA-5DA mixer for audio.

The great thing about this setup was that after the video interview I could do portraits.

Here are a couple of my favorite photos of Gary Mar and Ted Morton.



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