Portrait of hockey player Alana Cabana
University of Alberta Pandas centre Alana Cabana has been hurt most of the season but is trying to heal up for playoffs. She poses for a photo at Clare Drake Arena in Edmonton on February 18, 2010. Photo by Ryan Jackson / Edmonton Journal
I was assigned to get a picture of a hockey player who has had many injuries over the last year. Rather than just getting a picture of her on the ice (which doesn’t really illustrate injury very well) I asked her to sit in the bleachers and set her gear beside her.
I placed two flashes behind her at 1/32 power with tinfoil barn doors on them so I could direct the light better.
I find tinfoil gives a nice shiny “harsh look” for rim light. The fill light is just a flash at 1/8 power with a 1/2 CTO “orange” gel to warm up the light and a small softbox.
I shot it with a Canon 5D, 1/125sec, 50mm f1.4 lens at f6.3, ISO100.