May 2006 Archive

Posted by ryanjackson on May 29, 2006 in Uncategorized |

***Click on the above link to view the whole May 2006 archive***

May 29, 2006

My laptop crashed and won’t be fixed for a couple more days so that’s why I haven’t updated in a while
but for the meantime you can go to the Edmonton Sun’s website and checkout what I shot this weekend
Rainmaker Rodeo

May 28th, 2006

Kevin Taks from Crossfield, AB takes down a calf in 5.5
seconds during the Calf Roping competition at the Rainmaker Rodeo in St.
Albert on Sunday May 28, 2006. Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

Pasha Perlette, 3, looks terrified as she rides the
Springride on the midway at the Rainmaker Rodeo in St. Albert on Sunday
May 28, 2006. Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

May 27th, 2006

Alex Hamilton, 6, holds on to his hat as he rides on a
Noah’s Ark float presented by Leu Nickerson Elementary and Sir George
Simpson Jr. High in the Rainmaker Parade in St. Albert on Saturday May
27, 2006. Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

May 26th, 2006

Dieghton Roworth from Czar Alberta takes down a calf in
7.1 seconds during the calf wrestling competition at the Rainmaker Rodeo
in St. Albert. Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

May 25th, 2006

One-year-old Arrowynd Ganga pulls up her pants to keep them from
dragging in the rain while walking with her mother Cerigwen Joy , 23,
left, and her aunt Jilleen Meckling, 21, in Edmonton on Thursday May 25,
2006. Edmonton Sun photo Ryan Jackson

A protester watches the rain run off his umbrella while he waits for the
Federal Minister of the Environment, Rona Ambrose, to arrive by train to
the LRT station at the University of Alberta Thursday. Edmonton Sun
Photo by Ryan Jackson

May 24th, 2006

Ernie Pasemko, General Manager of Grand Prix Edmonton.
Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

Staff Sgt. Major Maeda, far right, waits in line for a
parking pass before the Premier’s Prayer Breakfast held at the Shaw
Conference Centre Wednesday morning. Edmonton Sun Photo by Ryan Jackson

May 21, 2006

Liam Maccosham, 7, tries to catch a ball thrown by his
aunt, Terrie Maccosham in Diamond Park near Rossdale Road and 100 Street

May 20, 2006

Sam Roberts rocks the Starlite Lounge Saturday night.

May 19,2006

Grade six teacher Patrick Monaghen, left, gets a pie in
the face from kindergarten student Jeremy Vallingall, 6, during a ‘Pie
Off’ event held at Bishop Greschuk Elementary Friday. The event to raise
money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation in honor of a grade five
teacher, Linda Honeychurch who was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in

May 18, 2006

Cody Altizer, 18, is reflected in the bathroom mirror of
his home. Altizer was attacked by a police dog while on Whyte Ave
celebrating the Edmonton Oilers victory last Friday and required eight
stitches in his side. He has filed a complaint with the police
department and has found a lawyer.

May 16, 2006

*** 1’st Place Feature Picture AND
Photographers Choice Award***

“Bee on Target” A bee heads for a bloomed sunflower in a
field near Saskatoon. August 19th, 2005.

***2’nd Place General News Award***

Saskatoon Mayor Don Atchison sighs with relief as he wins
a celebrity wheel chair race in front of City Hall July 25,

I haven’t been updating lately because I have been
driving across Canada moving from Belleville Ontario to Edmonton Alberta
to start my 19-week summer job at the Edmonton Sun.

This weekend I was in Winnipeg for the Western News
Photographers Association
annual Photojournalism conference.

I was VERY honoured to be awarded WCNPA Picture of the
Year 1’st place Feature picture and Photographers Choice Award for my “Bee on
Target” picture as well WCNPA Picture of the Year 2’nd place in the
general news category for “Wheelchair Race”.

These images were selected from over 800 entries from
professional news photographers all across western Canada so I am very
humbled to have won these awards.

I’ll post more soon when I get settled down in
Edmonton… gotta shoot an Oilers game on Wednesday!

May 8th, 2006

Yoga teacher Anne Pitman of Santosha Yoga Centre throws
raw chocolate beans in the air for fun during a portrait. Pitman uses
raw chocolate beans mixed with honey in her classes. May 8, 2006.

May 6th, 2006

Jazz singer Kellylee Evans poses for a photo before a
show in Almonte, Saturday May 6, 2006. Photo by RYAN JACKSON, THE OTTAWA

May 5th, 2006

Historian Dean Oliver has written a one-year anniversary
piece about the Canadian War Museum. Photo by RYAN JACKSON, THE OTTAWA

May 4th, 2006

Brian Murray, Director of Marketing and Leasing of Sakto
Corporation is betting the arrival of a light-rail station on Gladstone
Avenue will make his new office tower on Preston Street more attractive

May 3rd, 2006

Jennifer North is the chief shoe collector for the
charity Sole Responsibility, a group that collects old running shoes and
sends them to Darfur. Photo by RYAN JACKSON, THE OTTAWA CITIZEN

May 1st, 2006

Mia Eriksson, top left, laughs as the band Great Big Sea
plays. Eriksson won a contest for a Great Big Sea kitchen party for her
and a bunch of her friends. Photo by RYAN JACKSON, THE OTTAWA CITIZEN

Four year old Jenna Fraser reads her favorite book on
her bunk bed with some of her other Dora The Explorer Licensed products.
Fraser has been obsessed with Dora The Explorer since she was one year



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