April 2004 Archive

Posted by ryanjackson on Apr 30, 2004 in Uncategorized |

***Click on the above link to view the whole April 2004 archive***

April 30th, 2004

Pictures of Alexisonfire,
Blue Skies At War, and
Boys Night Out are up!

I encourage everyone to try out the “slideshow” option on these
pictures. If it didn’t work for you a couple days ago try it again, you wont
need to install anything anymore.

April 29th, 2004

many-o-pictures of Thursday night at the Bassment to come, but
first I must rest for Alexisonfire Friday night at Louis’ !

If you don’t have a ticket yet get your ass down to Place Riel
and and lay down 13 well spent $’ars.

If you didn’t even know that Alexisonfire and many other great
bands and playing Friday then you don’t go to
www.threeohsix.org enough and for shame
on you!

April 28th, 2004

A damn good Laugh. Goes to show what can happen when a
bitter man sells his ex-wife’s’ wedding dress on ebay “only
worn twice

April 27th, 2004

To my friends who were at my Backyard BBQ Bash after our
last final last Thursday here are the


April 26th, 2004

So what are YOU doing on Thursday night?I heard
“everybody” is going to this show at the Bassment, especially the great
bands that will be playing so you should go too!



All ages/Licensed w/ ID

The Bassment

245 3rd Ave. S.

THE UNDECIDED – Tooth and Nails Records

Energizer Bunny Move Over, These Guys Got It All


Red Deer Alberta’s Finest Rockers


Saskatoon’s Greatest Punk Rockers


Brand New Local Band That Will Blow Your Mind


A Rocking Two Piece Band

April 25th, 2004

I’m done finals!  Freedom oh glorious freedom!
You know what I did yesterday…NOTHING…you know what I’m going to do
today NOTHING!  It’s great!I am trying out a new way of posting
pictures called Gallery. It allows slide shows, pictures resize to your
screen, and I can even let you leave comments for each picture.  I am
going to be using it for the next few updates.  If you think it really
sucks, is way to slow, or if you like it better e-mail me as I want to make
the site friendly as possible for the people who go here.

Remember a while back I said I had a “surprise”?!

Well for the last two years I have been taking pictures at shows but have
only been posting the pictures of the bands…due to popular demand I went
through all my pictures and picked out the ones that I never put up – but
contain the people who make up the scene. You may find it boring, it may
bring back memories but here are the people
without the bands

April 20, 2004

Morally Sound and
Edo Varus when they played at Ryley’s last
Thursday.  Enjoy!

April 18th, 2004

Pictures of Junior Pantherz
are The Pixies are up!!!  That was an
amazing show and it was an honor to listen to a part of music history. I have
never been to a show with such a diverse age group of listeners. There were 40
year olds in the pit, and kids who weren’t even born when the pixies broke up 12
years ago.

Just like with AFI, it was great too see soooo many people out to a show.
Prarieland was sold out which I think means over 2000 people. I know a lot of
you are reading this, and I must encourage people to come out to other local
Saskatoon shows, because I know that there is a larger “scene” out there. They
just need to come to more shows!  The local scene has a lot to offer, and
if more and more people come out to shows then the scene (along with the bands
that play, and the bands that come to Saskatoon) will grow. If you had fun last
night, come out to the shows at The Bassment, Wash ‘n Slosh, Louis’, The Pat,
Lydia’s, Le Relais, Ryly’s, and any hall, house, or field where bands play. The
Pixies, just like EVERY BAND started out in places like these, come check them

April 16th, 2004

Last Saturday I took a well enjoyed break from studying and went
and saw Parades Against Parades,
Tombstone Diaries,
and Means when they played at Le Relais on April
10th.   Enjoy the pictures!  Only one final left. See you at the

April 11th, 2004

Happy Easter Everyone!  Remember that it isn’t all
about Jesus’  resurrection and Easter eggs. It’s also about going to
Wal-Mart the day after Easter for 50% off chocolate!Thanks to Aaron for
the picture!

4 finals left, wish me luck!

April 7th, 2004

What happens when you have 120 Engineers, 3 kegs of beer, and
10 minutes to drink it all?

The Annual Year End
Keg Suck !

April 6th, 2004

The Waking Eyes
and The Trews when they played @ The Pat
last Thursday.

No Moneen pictures sorry, but I hope if you went you had a good
time and well… I must say I am now officially “in finals” so I won’t be
updating much for the next couple weeks so you can just not bother coming here
much for the next while……………but……. …………………don’t
forget about me!!!       I also have a “surprise”
for all you…. but you’ll have to wait for that……

April 4th, 2004

I should have advertised this a long time ago but MONEEN is at
Louis’ tomorrow night (Monday). Provided I can get my million (4) assignments
done in time I’ll be there and once again if your not as lame as me you should
be too!!!

THEN!  On Tuesday @ Lydia’s  The
with Joey and the Truth Hurts.  What a good way to end
classes!?  (What’s with the question mark you ask?….Exactly!)

April 3rd, 2004

Not Very Punk, but still everyone loves
The Proclaimers !

April 2nd, 2004

DFA @ Sparky @ The Wash ‘N Slosh TONIGHT!!!!   Two of Saskatoon’s
best bands in one night. If your not super lame like me and have to study for
finals so I don’t get kicked out of Engineering then GO GO GO!!!

Also two great shows in Regina coming up!
Ten Foot Pole @ The Exchange  TOMORROW NIGHT! (Get some friends
together and drive down to see them) as well

May 20th  Death by Stereo and (see poster) at the U of R !

Will punkoryan finally be able to see Death by Stereo after missing them
the last three times they have come? Lets hope!

April 1st, 2004

First off you should join the
Bell Walk for Kids
but along with that my friend is organizing this wonderful event and the
band Butterfinger has volunteered to play for free at the end of the walk.
The only problem though is that Butterfinger doesn’t have a PA system and
Kids Help Phone (being a non-profit organization) can’t afford to rent one:SOOOOOOOOO!!!  (Guess where this is going)

If ANYONE reading this has a PA system they could lend for free on Sunday
May 2nd it would be awesome and you would be doing a most charitable thing.
If you are a company then your name would be listed in the sponsors list on
TV and Print and it would only be for about 2 hours + setup/takedown in the

What is needed is 4 vocal mics (+ whatever mics for drums, amps, etc), a
PA, a 24ch mixer, and a “DI” (whatever that is).

If anyone can offer some or any of this please
e-mail me. Thanks!



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