March 2004 Archives

Posted by ryanjackson on Mar 30, 2004 in Uncategorized |

***Click on the above link to view the whole March 2004 archive***

March 30th, 2004

Pictures are up of

, Kiros,
The Chunks, and


March 26th. 2004

Cosmo Senior Center beside The Hose

I’m studying for finals = not updating much so “don’t check back
as often”

March 24th, 2004

So remember way back last year when I had an “evil” cell
phone?  Well I cancelled the contract after the free 4 month term, but
accidentally (well actually more like deliberately) overpaid 1 penny on my
last bill and ever since (almost a year now) I have received a bill, every
month, stating that I have a credit of 1 cent.What’s funny is that it has
certainly cost Rogers way more than a penny to send me a bill every month,
so I figure I am doing my part to slowly bring down those annoying cell
phones 1 penny at a time!

March 21st, 2004

+ Shackelford is having their CD Release on Friday night @ The
Cosmo Senior Center (beside the Hose) and opening for them are The Chunks (which
are basically The Portmans w/o horns) so it will be a great show and YOU (yes
you!) should go and buy the new Shackelford CD and sing Pirate songs and the

March 19th, 2004

Up By Default! its Pictures of
and Ian Thornley from Monday
Night @ The Pat  !!!   Enjoy!

March 18th, 2004

Well you can tell from my locker I am all ready to study for finals!
I have a midterm on Friday = I can’t go to this show… BUT YOU SHOULD!!!

Blood Music,  Junior Pantherz, and The Paper*Kites

@ The Bassment  tonight  (show up at 7:30pm I’d assume…)

The Paper*Kites will be selling their new CD and the show is a
fundraiser for CFCR so go!

March 17th, 2004

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

This old lady was riding the bus this morning. Do you have that kind of spirit? I know I sure don’t! But I’ll still drink my green beer!

Speaking of that… HAPPY BIRTHDAY KWEKU!!!

March 16th, 2004

Up by popular demand (I was getting e-mails telling me to
hurry up with the pictures!)

One Stone Dog, and
The Decline

March 15th, 2004

Thanks be to Drabble for finding my Mad Caddies Bunnyhug!Yes, Yes,  “Forgetful punkoryan” left his bunnyhug on a speaker at the
show on Feb 6th and someone must have moved it because Drabble found it
behind the stage a few days later.  I guess all those threatening
accusations weren’t in order, but funny non the less.

As promised, punch and pie was served in his honor.   I must
also give thanks to all of the people who sent me e-mails with “leads” and
sightings of my bunnyhug, one of which which turned out that the person they
saw wearing my bunnyhug was me!

Check back tomorrow for pictures from Friday night.

March 14th, 2004

For all of you who *didn’t* go to Regina on Thursday night you
sure did miss:

Mad Caddies,
Irish Car Bomb
, Closet Monster, and
last but certainly not least Pulley

March 12th, 2004

I have a million pictures of last night in Regina to put up,
but first….It’s coming!  A storm is a’broo’in and we are suppose
to get 15cm of snow!  Now rather than the normal “when will winter
end!?” response to that I must urge you to take advantage of this probable
last chance you may have to enjoy the snow that we have all grown up and
taken for granted as simply an inconvenience.

So dig out your old toboggan or crazy carpet (or ask your neighbors to
borrow theirs like I am) and go to pest hill!   Or make a snow
angel, snowman, or have a snow ball fight!  It’s your last chance, use
it wisely!

Go to the show tonight @ The Bassment!

March 10th, 2004

Pictures of Broken
Social Scene
are up!

Remember to go to DFA/The Decline/One Stone Dog at The Bassment
on Friday (and the show in Regina below).

March 8th, 2004

A show at Louis’ going till almost 1:30am?  On a Sunday
Night?! Every minute was worth it! Pictures of 
Raising the Fawn
and  The Stills are
up….. why aren’t the pictures of Broken Social Scene up? Well why else would
you have a reason to come back tomorrow?

March 5th, 2004

When we return the gnomes they will have some amazing
stories to tell :)Xel-Ha, The Beach, and Scuba Diving


March 2nd, 2003

A good idea.  I always wake up at least an hour
after my parents have gone off to work and therefore have always had
to make my own coffee.  The problem with this was that they were
making a pot of coffee and throwing away half of it, and then I would
make a pot of coffee and throw it away. (Wow is this boring to you I
know) but now the super duper smart solution has been for my dad to
just dump the remainder of his coffee in an urn and put a little
sticky note with “Good Morning Ryan its -30 out so dress warm :)” or
something like that.Now sure this may sound super lame (and yes
they could just leave the hot pad on to keep the pot warm) but it is
fresher this way and my parents don’t have to worry about me not
turning the burner off and burning down the house.

I really hate wasting food, and coffee is something I particularly
feel bad about because I know some guy in  South America had to
slave his ass off for 16 hours a day so I could wake up in the
morning.  If you feel the same way (or if you don’t) you should
really learn more about

. Basically in a typical cup of coffee you buy
only 2cents actually goes to the guy slaving his ass off to feed is
family.  Fair Trade Coffee, which costs a bit more, ensures that
more money is going to to the farmers. Browsers on campus sells fair
trade coffee and the more people know about it the better. So even
though this started out pretty damn boring I hope you check out the
link above and think before you drink! (coffee that is).



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